FKT: Karina Carsolio, Hillary Gerardi - Illimani Normal Route - 2024-07-23

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7h 24m 29s

We (Karina and Hillary) started at base camp, 4400m, at 7:13 am. From there we followed the normal path up to high camp, Nido de Condores, which we reached in 1:25. There our friend Domminick had left our glaciar gear and some food for us to take, there was also another friend there to take some videos and pictures. We put on our glaciar gear and started climbing up, the track was well marked except right before the so called "stairway to the sky", which was icy with penitentes. Our friend Dominick was putting a fixed rope on this part so we could anchor to it on the way down. We went pass him and reached the summit in 4:05, the way down was slow because of icy conditions, we were very careful and didn't take unnecessary risks by going faster. Almost at the end of the glacier, instead of going down the exact way we came up, we took the more "direct" way to high camp, except it was all ice and penitentes which really slowed us down. 
Once at high camp we left all of our glacier gear for our friends to carry down for us, so we were able to move faster on the runnable parts. 
We reached base camp in 7: 24:29