FKT: Mark Hammond - Maunakea / Mauna Kea (HI) - 2024-06-06

Route variation
ascent from Hamakua Coast
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7h 45m 14s
GPS track(s)

I started around 1:30 am.  The climb went went pretty smooth aside from a few missed turns during the night and running out of water about 1.5 hours before I finished. The final 5 miles went dramatically slower than the rest of the route because of the altitude, soft soil, and boulder hopping. I brought 2.5 liters but needed about 3.5 liters. I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to go to the true summit, so after I went there and hung out for a few minutes I walked down to the road where the FKT route ends. I estimate that mistake added about 12 minutes to my time.