FKT: Matt Gabrenya - Arizona Trail Santa Catalina Loop - 2024-06-27

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
13h 40m 54s
GPS track(s)

I started from Gordon Hirabayashi Campground, near the loop’s lowest point, and followed it counter-clockwise. My plan was to hike most of the first half up to Summerhaven, and run most of the second half down along the West Fork of Sabino Canyon.

In retrospect, I should have gone clockwise instead, to get through the lowest elevation section before the heat of the day. Saving that part for the end absolutely wreaked me and likely added 1-2 hours to my time.

The majority of the trail was well-maintained, excluding the stretch from the Butterfly Trail junction to FR 38 which was overgrown with thorny branches. A few stretches are smooth and easily runnable but most of it is very rugged.

There were several springs flowing along the Butterfly Trail, a public bathroom with water fountains in Summerhaven, and both Lemmon creek and Sabino Creek were flowing strong. I carried 2.5L to start and then 2L from each source thereafter.

Overall a great route, and humbling. I might give it another go in a shoulder season.