FKT: Maura Tyrrell - Crescent Trail (NY) - 2020-09-06

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Finish date
Total time
2h 34m 50s
GPS track(s)

I started this run as a training run with Jeffrey Adams, who was running the out and back for an FKT. I carried all water and gels. The plan was to hang on for as long as I could for the first part and just finish the one-way while he continued on. I've been dealing with a sore quad so I wasn't expecting to feel great, but I was able to push harder than I thought. My stomach was bothering me for a bit during the beginning but I got through that eventually. I started to fall back behind Jeff and told him not wait for me and that I couldn't keep up. I didn't want to hold him back from getting the time that he wanted. But then we hit a downhill portion and I ran it hard and caught up again. I decided then that I had more in me. Surprisingly I felt ok at about12 miles and realized an FKT would be in reach (I had considered running the Crescent Trail for an FKT a couple ago) so I pushed hard for the last 6 miles and was so excited that I squeaked in just a few minutes under the previous FKT.