FKT: Mead Binhammer - Mt.Mansfield - Camel's Hump Challenge (VT) - 2024-07-07

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 55m 20s
GPS track(s)

Started the day with a casual hike up Mansfield on the Long Trail at 8AM, complete with a Bicknell's thrush and Canada warbler sighting on the way up. I departed the summit of Mansfield just before 10AM - a bit later than originally planned. Yesterday's rain added some spice to the mix, with slick rocks, knee-deep mud pits, and sections of trail that appeared more like mountain streams. That said, the first ~15 miles felt incredibly smooth. A few slow miles up towards Puffer Shelter and Bolton Mountain, but the descent down the smooth Bolton Ridge was quite a treat. By the time I got to the fields along Duxbury Road, however, things started getting hot and humid, which sapped my limited energy. The climb up Bamforth Ridge was a big challenge for the legs, so I was relieved to finally see the clearing and know that there was just a small push on to the summit. 

I carried all my food and filtered water at stream crossings along (and in) the trail on the way. Drank about 3.5L of water in total but could've easily had another liter due to the humidity. The trails were mostly empty, save for the descent off Mansfield Ridge and climb up Camel's Hump. I was pleased to finish in just under 6 hours. Met Macie, Isla (dog) and Jeremy at the summit of Camel's Hump, and all hiked down together to cap off an excellent Sunday!