FKT: Megan Lacey - Maunakea / Mauna Kea (HI) - 2024-07-03

Route variation
ascent from Visitor Center
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 42m 28s
GPS track(s)

I decided to run up to Mauna Kea as a workout to prepare for my upcoming race that reaches similar elevation. I had never been to nearly 14,000 feet before so I was not sure what to expect. My fiance and I both filled out the paperwork to go up the mountain, knowing that the plan was for me to start my way up solo. He hiked behind me and and had a plan to get back to the visitors center in time to meet me at the top with the car in about 2 hours since that was how long we thought it would take me. I ran the entire distance solo and carried my own water in a hydration pack with a handful of gels. I did not resupply my food and had sufficient water/food with me on my person that this was not needed. I started running before the segment started and after the segment ended to ensure I actually completed it fully. This is why the elapsed time of the entire GPX file is 1:46, but the actual route's elapsed time was 1:42:28.  I saw my fiance about 5 miles in and he cheered me on, but did not provide any supplies or run with me. He picked me up at the summit and that is when I got the notification on Strava that made me aware that I had completed the summit faster than anyone else.