FKT: Miche Palmer, Reed Williams - CT Appalachian Trail (CT) - 2024-06-16

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
18h 26m 25s

Reed and I started the trek at 5:37 am Saturday June 15th. It had rained the day before, so the air was cool and the ground damp. A little slippery, not too hot in most places. 

Our teammates and friends, Ais, Mylo, and Kristi supported us with snacks and hydration along the way. (We also ran with hydration packs and snacks, and emergency supplies). Mylo and Ais ran with us for about 6 miles each. They met us at the Massachusetts border at the end to guide us once we were done with the segment.  

We got to Bear Mountain later than anticipated, making the last 6 miles much more challenging in the dark. We lost the trail at one point and accidentally went south. We realized our mistake and headed north again. I stopped the watch at the Sages Ravine sign past the border. Total mileage was 52.6, according to my Coros. 

In spite of coming in much later than projected, we had a great experience. Enjoyed the beautiful scenery, learned a lot, and above all, loved sharing an adventure with awesome friends. 

Our team, Transcenders, wanted to set a baseline non binary record with this attempt, since there wasn't one on the books. Hopefully other non binary athletes will come run the segment and set a faster FKT!