FKT: Mike Wardian - Arlington Loop (VA) - 2025-02-15

Route variation
one loop
Para athlete
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 40m 49s

I set out to break the FKT on the Arlington loop this morning. I had done a test run the day before so I knew that I had good fitness going into it and I just needed to execute. I’m really happy with how it turned out and looking forward to seeing if I can lower it again. I got lucky with traffic, not too many stops but I did need a bathroom break with cost me over 1 min 20 seconds.  I loved seeing everyone out there and thank you to the Richmond runner visiting that said hello and all the local athletes that cheered for me. 
I didn’t need fluids or GUs today as pretty chilly out and I was well hydrated going into to. It was 35 degrees so a bit chilly but nice for pushing.