FKT: Nathan Rubinfeld - Truchas Peaks Linkup (via Trampas Lakes) - 2024-07-23

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 40m 28s
GPS track(s)

“More passion, more passion, more footwork…” Happy Birthday 🥳 to me!! Went and got myself an FKT… ✨ 

When I decided I wasn’t going to race earlier this month in order to spend more time hammering away on the trails here I decided to submit a couple new FKT routes, including this one. Scouted it out about a month ago, having done much of it many times before. Paused quite a bit last time, and while it was a solid day, I figured I could at least get my elapsed time to match my moving time, if not shave about 30mins off. I shaved FIFTY!! 🙌🏼

*Finally* nailed the headwall on North Truchas (3rd time’s a charm??) but left feeling like I could’ve done more to move along the ridges (hard to balance speed and safety on some of that…). Stuck to the knife’s edge as much as possible, except in places where safety truly necessitated otherwise or where the clearly established trail was just below. Truly a challenge to follow the route precisely — after Trampas Lakes the trail is faint if existent at all, despite what Strava and Gaia might seem to suggest (not sure where the extra distance came in either…).

Weather was about perfect — a cool 46 at the start, but still above treeline. The rain held off and temps remained cool as I sped back down. Saw *one* hiker, many marmots, a pika, a bighorn, and grouse. Grateful to have set the bar on a favorite route before moving out of state — can’t wait to see who raises the bar and lowers the time!