FKT: Owen Blake - Timpanogos High Route - 2024-07-22

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 7m 1s
GPS track(s)

Woke up the morning of and planned on doing the High Route of Timp. Felt really good so I decided to push as much as I could and see how it feels. Ended up cruising up the NE Ridge to North Timp in under 90 minutes. Kept going strong all the way to Timp’s summit and still felt good. Made great time up to South Timp and carefully ran down to the saddle above the snowfield. Was able to glissade down to Emerald Lake and started up the last small climb before dropping into the Timpanogos Basin. After dropping below 9K the heat started to get to me and I ended up slowing down a little bit. I brought 1L of water, drank all of it by the end. Ate three Welch’s Fruit Snacks and half of a Chocolate Chip Clif Bar.