FKT: Parker Kempf - Luna Peak (WA) - 2021-07-11

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
15h 48m 57s
GPS track(s)

Luna Peak

A Trip report, by the numbers:


11:20 pm: my alarm

10 Liters: Amount of water consumed

1 GPX: number of excellent tracks from the ultimate dark horse couple of modern alpinism

2 desperate stabs: combat self-arrests using a rock in my hand because of not wanting to pull my crampons out

15,760’: Garmin’s vertical gain

9,660’: Gaia’s vertical gain (who do I believe?!)

2 dance parties: Going ‘Devils’ Clubbing’ because that what you do when you are off route in the cascades

3 belongings: Gear consumed by Access Creek and Luna…shirt, shoes, & 1 FLZ

8,840: Calories burned

1 blargh: Dry heaves from the heat

3 people talking just around the corner, I swear: Heat-induced aural hallucinations

89,936: steps taken

80,153: steps taken with a smile on my face

4 out-of-key tunes: Number of Nat King Cole covers I sang out loud to keep myself company (A Blossom Fell, Mona Lisa, Smile, & Paper Moon)

1 breath: heavy sigh of relief when it was all over