FKT: Peter Fairhurst - Arctic Circle Trail (Greenland) - 2024-07-25

Route variation
One way - Kangerlussuaq Airport - Sisimiut
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2d 4h 0m 0s

Arctic Circle Trail - Official website

The variant of the ACT added here follows the GPX file for the full route on the offical ACT website (link above) which is also the route in the offical ACT guide book.

I ran this June 2024 - conditions were VERY wet, wet feet from the start to finish .  As one hiker quoted - wet meaning there are ducks in front of me on the trail on the drier parts.  So bogby and very soft underfoot most of the time.  Water levels and snow were still very present so I added the 3 additional km to go over the bridge rather than fording the river on stage 5.  On the final stage the route was covered with deep snow so I climbed partially up the valley wall on the right to be able to pass.

Other than that good weather and lakes still frozen so no canoeing at the canoe centre.

I list as self supported carrying all food but staying nights in the canoe centre and Innajuattoq huts.