FKT: Rachel Tomajczyk - Mount Lowe Loop (CA) - 2024-05-24

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 33m 12s

Really fun loop up and down Mount Lowe! It's fun to find a steady climb that lasts so long! Foggy weather made for some cool vibes but also meant I couldn't see anything from the top. I paused my watch a few times to make sure I was making the right turns- a couple of the turns were a little hidden- so I'm submitting my elapsed time instead of the time shown on Strava.

I wore Merrell Test Lab Sky Fire 2s which helped a lot on some of the rockier sections and I carried Maurten Drink Mix 320, water, and a couple gels with me. 

10/10 recommend this route! The first 3/ last 3 miles had some hikers on them but a lot of the run was peaceful and quiet. Beautiful overlooks too and really epic views with all the clouds around! I would love to go back and run this route on a clear day sometime too!