FKT: Scott Livingston, Debbie Livingston - Pachaug - Nehantic Loop (CT) - 2024-07-06

Route variation
Standard loop
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 4m 15s
GPS track(s)

Today, Debbie and I ran this loop on a warm but wet day. We were overdue to run an FKT together. It had been a while. You can read the full report on my blog. We had to backtrack to look for my dropped iPhone, so the 27 mile route became 28. We made a few other small wrong turns. The painted blazes are faded in some spots, and there are many sharp turns. All of the rain we have had has also resulted in some overgrowth, obscuring the trail in some areas. 

It was a lovely route with some rugged sections. We weren't out there to crush ourselves, but to run together and build some fitness. I was hurting, especially in the last 10 miles. Debbie led most of the way. It felt good to finish. These are fun trails, so you should check them out.