FKT: Suki Nightsward - Stroud Five Valleys (United Kingdom) - 2024-06-09

Route variation
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Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 3m 56s

Picked a point on the loop that was easiest to get to for me & started there.

There's quite a lot of shade for the majority of the route which is nice on a sunny day, though still stretches fully in the sun throughout.

When I was checking the gps tracks of the other entries I spotted a degree of variability on exactly which paths were taken, especially in Standish Wood, but when I got there I found some of the paths are marked for mountain bikes and others for pedestrians/other uses, and after that it made a lot more sense.

Significant stretches of the cyclepath are a type of rubber & gravel surface which gives a bit more cushioning & that was quite nice to run on, especially towards the end when I was really quite tired :D

Definitely took some determination to get round, but a great day out, and I got to see so much wildlife, big & small!