FKT: Tom Anderson, Ben Jones, Chris Dixon, Matt Bogaards, Stuart Cranney, Christian Welsh, Brad Hofman, Julie Hungerford, Abigail Jones-Walker, David Tensen, Nathan Spicer - The Scenic Rim Trail - 2021-07-14

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
17h 43m 38s
GPS track(s)

Epic adventure with a team from work as a team building exercise, hiking through the night.

It was also an individual character building exercise!! Tough!

Starting just before midnight, we hiked through the graveyard hours and stopped at what National Parks call the official 'Day 1' campsite for a brief breakfast. Breakfast was supplied by our support bus - pre-prepared wraps and coffee was well received, and a chance to resupply water while grabbing our lunch 'to go'.

We moved on, enjoying the early morning sunshine and enjoyed spectacular views over the scenic rim. The walk was quite difficult from this point, the track barely visible for large parts, dodging roots and vines and very technical under foot. The climbs were long and relentless, and due to the nature of our group some found it more challenging than others.

A hard descent through to Dalrymple Creek and up past the Cascade Falls and we stopped for lunch. We were able to refill water here from the national parks campsite (the water must be treated).

The next several hours were basically up hill until we reached Bare Rock Lookout with breathtaking views over the Scenic Rim and across the Main Range to the south. A short stop here to enjoy the vista and we commenced the decent around Mt. Cordeaux and down to the end of the trail at Cunninghams Gap to complete the walk - exhausted, but in good spirits. All persons who started were able to complete.

NB - this was a corporate group - every starter completed the walk, however not all participants are listed (only those who consented their name to be published are noted on the record).