FKT: Tony Deluca, Sarah Wallace - Pennsylvania NCT (PA) - 2024-07-08

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6d 8h 11m 13s

We started our North Country Trail run from the Ohio border on Tuesday July 2nd at 7:44 AM. We had a rotating group of friends joining us on trail for each step of the way and crewing as well. In general, we had crew every 5-12 miles. Crew supplied all our water and food over the course of the trip. On Day 1, I (Tony) took a fall shortly after sundown. We were in McConnell's Mills about 42 miles in when I lost my footing in a depression and re-sprained an, up to then, healing ankle. Getting to the crew at Alpha Pass took what felt like hours. I iced and a compression sleeve was applied. We made the decision Sarah would continue towards Jennings Environmental Center, our planned rest stop for the evening, and I would take rest immediately. After awakening an hour before sunrise Wednesday I continued on for the 20 miles to Jennings (PA NCT Mile 62). Sarah had gotten rest there and after a short break we continued together. After a 7 miles road walk in high heat we were finally under canopy again in West Sunbury, where some trail angels from the NCT Butler chapter met us with drinks and snacks. The course followed trails through Game Lands and reclaimed lands to Leonard Road, which we reached just after dark. Our crew got us fueled back up for another long road section with the goal of sleeping at Parker or Emlenton. We made camp at the trailhead parking under the bridge in Parker (PA NCT Mile 95).

It was Thursday morning, the 4th of July,  and we would have 30+ miles of paved rail trail ahead of us with 3 old railroad tunnels, the longest being over a mile long. We reached the tunnels during the warmer parts of the day, which was perfect. Temps in the tunnels were around 50 degrees, a much welcome respite from the heat and humidity. Turning east onto the Sandy Creek trail we made our way towards Rt 322, where another trail angel, Sandy, from the NCT Clarion chapter, met us with snacks and drinks. Crossing 322 at sunset we were now on the Clarion Highlands trail. The first handful of miles were through old industrial or mining lands with some short road sections interspersed. Reaching the Fern Road crossing (PA NCT Mile 139.5). We decided we needed sleep. Not long after reaching crew to come meet us it began raining heavily. We opted for getting a hotel in Shippenville/Clarion for showers and a few hours of sleep starting again before dawn at Fern Road.

Trail conditions were wet, but the trail here is mostly doubletrack and we made good time running the first 9 miles to Deer Creek, where a breakfast sandwich and challenge awaited. There is no bridge at Deer Creek (PA NCT Mile 148). The creek crossing was waist deep and the current not slight, however the cool water felt nice and we made it across without incident. The trail followed what appeared to be pipeline cut circumnavigating the western wide of the local airfield. After crossing Rt 322 (PA NCT Mile 154) the trail and surroundings became more beautiful by the mile. Clear Creek State Park area rolled out the red carpet to take us into Cook's Forest. We decided to shoot for reaching the Rt 66 trailhead before sleeping again. The last 4 miles proved to be mentally tiring with some overgrown sections of trail compounded by darkness. We had known our timeline of a Sunday finish was off the table and decided to plan it for a mid to late day finish Monday. This shortened our daily mileage up a bit. Then about a mile from the Rt 66 trailhead the sky opened up. The downpour made visibility difficult as I was wearing glasses. We were more than happy to be heading to a motel for showers and sleep.

Saturday AM we began again at the Rt 66 trailhead. This location is notable for a few reasons. It is 100 miles from the NY border and is also the last trailhead before crossing into the Allegheny National Forest. We took a longer daytime rest at Kellettville campground and we got off trail for more sleep at the Route 179 trailhead (PA NCT Mile 226.6). Sunday would take us 35.2 miles to Chappel Bay along the Allegheny Reservoir (PA NCT Mile 261.8). The trails were enjoyable and we were moving at a reasonable pace. We are arrived at Chappel Bay just before sunset and met our crew. We headed to the city of Bradford to spend the night. The final day we had 24 miles to cover to the NY border. We opted to enjoy the cooler morning weather by waking around 4 AM and hitting trail a little after 5. Here we spent miles on the forested slopes above the Allegheny Reservoir, which provided excellent views. Coming out on Rt 346 at Willow Bay we were excited. Just a little over a mile to the border!  Monday July 8th at 3:06 PM we crossed into NY state and stopped our watches.