FKT: Wayne McGuigan, Cathal McParland, Sean Faloon - Carlingford Lough Loop - 2023-07-23

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 15m 19s
GPS track(s)

Been thinking of doing this route for a long time, and managed to talk a few other wingnuts into joining me. First half was in awful rain but we kept a good pace and caught the ferry just in time, arriving in greenore the weather cleared up and we made our way to carlingford for a rake of pints in PJ’s. Was a struggle getting moving again and I needed a few short stops but we kept motoring on with the taught of more pints in newry. A great days craic.

Hopefully more people try this route, beautiful views and because of the ferry break in the middle, it’s a perfect way for someone to try running a 50k distance. In the coming years it will only get better with the upgrades planned for the greenway and when the plans for the newry albert basin area come into fruition, there will be an amazing finish line to see at the end of this. 

hopefully I get doing this route again soon and push for a good time.