FKT: Whitney Richman - Acadia National Park Loop Road (ME) - 2024-06-29

Route variation
Standard loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 33m 35s
GPS track(s)

My legs and body were tired from 30 miles of the Acadia Round loop 4 days earlier and the Cadillac Mtn. run the previous day...and all the hiking with the fam. But it was my last morning in Acadia, so why not do it? I parked at Great Meadow Drive access since it's easy to get on/off the road from there and also close to where we were staying. Weather was overcast and low-mid 60s. I ran really comfortable until the last couple miles, so this time is easy to beat. I stopped at the restroom at Thunder Hole, and again before the road turns towards Jordan Pond. The views are amazing esp. from Sand Beach to Hunter's Beach. I saw a few bikers, and also two runners going in the opposite direction. There weren't too many cars on the road, and I felt fine running on the stretch from Jordan Pond to the one way start just after the Cadillac Mtn. entrance. The hills on the back half by Eagle Lake and Cadillac are steady, but not too steep. The downhill afterwards is a fun cruise.