FKT: Yurick Aregger - Grenzpfad Napfbergland - Route 65 - 2022-09-11

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
14h 4m 41s
GPS track(s)

I had pretty much a perfect day. The Route starts out very fast almost without any powerhiking until the 65km mark. This really smashes up the legs nicely for the progressively larger climbs towards the end. But it all worked out great in the end. Definitely will go for it again sometime in the future because it's so beautiful!

I was supported by my father for supplies and a few friends who paced me along the way. I ran most of it alone though. The first proper "aid station" was after 65km, then again after 78km, 95km and after I finished.

It would be possible to do it unsupported because there are lots of water fountains along the way. There are even some farms that offer snacks and drinks right by the trail out of a fridge, that you can just take and pay with your mobile phone. Also there are some towns along the way where one could grab supplies. I'd advise to scout the route first though If you plan to do it unsupported!

Side note: Soooooo many lifestock-fence gate crossings it's mind boggling! There must've been at least 30 (unexaggerated)


Huge congrats Yurick!!

Would definitely love to give the route a try someday (at a much easier pace though). I had seen previously that you submitted the route and figured you were going to crush my dreams of doing it first! ;D

Thanks a lot! It's such a great route because it takes you through so many different landscapes. Doing the whole thing in one effort is epic regardless of the time.

If you need someone to support you or pace you just message me! (Instagram under the same name ;-))