FKT: Zafar Choriev, Ying Lin, Andrew Shen, Roosheel Patel, Jeff Reed, Robert Aguanno, Matthieu Baudon - Bronx Perimeter (NY) - 2024-08-18

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
12h 15m 30s

The last borough perimeter for two members of our team--we set out at 5:00am and did not let the rain stop us. Knowing the Bronx was only a little over 50 miles, we expected this to be much easier than Queens.

We ran clockwise to get most of the elevation done in the beginning. The rain really kept coming down the entire morning. It would stop at a few minutes at a time but then start again, causing quite a bit of flooding along our route. However, by the afternoon, the sun came out, and you could really feel the humidity in the last 10 miles. Regardless, compared to the heat and humidity we encountered at Staten Island, this day's weather was fantastic.

Our car support team came out again; and again, they were essential to our run. A huge shout out to all the friends who joined for a few miles throughout the entire journey. We had a lot of company, even from the start, and they really helped to keep the group's energy high at all times. I think we've learned a lot since our previous Staten Island and Queens Perimeter runs. Our mileage and route is slightly different from DHash's original as we really tried hard to stay as close to the edge of the Bronx in as many places as possible, particularly around Yankee Stadium and coming out of Pelham Bay Park.

Congratulations to the first two graduates of our 5-borough perimeter class!