Podcast: Episode 91: Ashly and Jason: 81 FKTs in the last two years!


Jason Hardrath and Ashly Winchester have notched 81 FKTs - 61 for Jason, and 20 for Ashly - in only the last two years.

"I'm not fast, but opportunistic, and will snag the women's FKT whenever possible."

"I go back to what Peter Bakwin told me: FKTs are like art - you know it when you see it, and you know it when you don't."

Their most recent FKT is the Lava Beds National Monument Traverse:

"It's the most number of caves in the country. The craft of this one was devising a route that wasn't too extreme, so someone gets stuck in a hole, while also not the easy caves, with lighting system.  So you getting a good caving experience - and you're spending a mile underground."

Jason is renowned for his "Stoke Factor" ... does Ashly have trouble keeping up?

"We're training for life, because you never know what's coming next."

Ashly has her own excellent podcast: www.womxnofthewild.com

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Full CV

Ashly Winchester

  • Age: 34
  • City of residence: Chico, CA or wherever I end up :)
  • Work/Occupation: freelance writer, mountain guide, podcaster and blogger
  • Running Highlights: Currently have 20 FKT's I'm not fast but, but opportunistic, and will snag the first women's FKT whenever possible! I started running in 2011 and fell in love with trails. I had always been an outdoorsy person and frequently hiked, but running was fairly foreign to me. I did a smattering of races over the years, eventually working up to ultra distances... and then I discovered FKTs. I had been aware of FKTs, but never thought they were within my reach. Once I discovered that I could actually snag FKTs, I fell in love with them. I do have Jason to thank for that.  
  • FKT Highlights: favorite routes - Lost Coast Trail, Crater Lake High Route, Joshua Tree Traverse
  • Social - -
    • Podcast (Ashly): instagram - @womxnofthewild
    • Website including Podcast: www.womxnofthewild.com
    • Instagram: @ashly.winchester

Jason Hardrath

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