Route: Cannon Mountain (NH)

New Hampshire, US
4 mi
Vertical Gain
670 m

Cannon Mountain, formally known as Profile Mountain, is a 4,100 foot mountain located within Franconia Notch State Park of the White Mountains. It is in the Western White Mountains in the Kinsman Range. Cannon Mountain is home of the state-owned Cannon Mountain Ski Area, and used to be the home to the Old Man of the Mountain site until it collapsed on May 3, 2003. The mountain appears to be layered, like an onion, due to its exfoliating granite dome formation.

Cannon Mountain is also known for its difficult and technical rock climbing and ice climbing, mainly on the Cannon Cliff on the Southeast portion of the mountain. It is also the main mountain of a group of 3, called the Cannon Balls.

The shortest trail up to Cannon Mountain is the Hi-Cannon Trail from the Cannon Mountain Ski Area parking lot off I-93. The trail is a short 2 miles, but also very difficult due to its steep and loose dirt trail.


GPS Track


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Profile picture for user Will ''Sisyphus'' Peterson

I love that Cannon has its own FKT! It's steep and technical and well deserving of being raced. However, the route that Mike and Alton used involves the ski trails for a good chunk, which isn't allowed in either the summer or winter and shouldn't be treated as the standard. As far as I can tell, legitimate fastest known time for going up and down Cannon is 59:50 on 10/12/2016 by "Kale P" (there's a Strava segment for this route).

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Profile picture for user Sarah Brennan

Does it matter how you get to the summit? And does this route include up and down or just up?

Sorry for the late reply. We only have the up and down route. Based on the Wills comment we approve the KRT but if you have open alternatives we may add those as variations.

