Route: Casey 50K

Submitted by christianvallee on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 04:07pm
Quebec, CA
51.24 km
Vertical Gain
837 m

This trail starts from an old Cold War military base located along what’s known as the "Pine Tree Line." This area is truly magical, situated at the edge of the boreal forest. It is accessible by small aircraft (General Aviation) and also by car via forest roads. Many off-road vehicles enjoy the area, as well as the Casey base camp.

The route forms a 50 km rectangle. The first section is 14 km long and follows a 4-wheel drive path. There's a water source at the river around the 9 km mark. After that, up to 25 km, the trail follows a fairly wide forest road, with another water point at 22.5 km.

The third section, the longest and sunniest, follows Forest Road 25. This road is exposed to the sun, and you may come across a few vehicles. A river is accessible just after the 35 km point. You continue on this route until you reach 41 km.

From there, the trail leaves the road and transitions back to a path, heading generally north toward CSQ4 airport.
