Cerro Bella Vista is one of the most commonly climbed peaks along the Bariloche skyline. Situated in the middle, it provides great views of the ski resort and surrounding mountains, hence the name Bella Vista. It is almost a perfect VK course, albeit on very dusty and root-y terrain. Starting at the trailhead for Refugio Jakob, the route begins with a short flatter run up to the trail junction, where you will turn right at the sign. From there, the route maintains a pretty steep grade the entire way. Upon topping out at treeline, there is some loose gravel that requires a bit of effort. Depending on conditions, you can get down this section fairly quickly, but it can also be deceiving because if there has not been much moisture, the ground underneath becomes hard-packed and it is more of a hinderance than help. The climb mellows a bit as you run along the ridgeline to the base of the final pitch. There are several social paths weaving up the final climb- take the path of least resistance.