Route: Cesta Márie Széchy

Submitted by Patrik Valek on Fri, 05/06/2022 - 12:40am
84 km
Vertical Gain
1,748 m

This is a longest castle way in Slovakia.
From castle Muráň to castle Fiľakovo.

The red tourist marked route - Márie Szécha Road, follows the original inter-castle road from 1644, between the castles of Fiľakovo and Muráň. It was named after the second palatine wife of František Wesselényi, Mária Szécha, known as the Muran Venus. The route starts at Muránský Castle, continues through Třstie Hill to Rimavská Sobota, then comes through the Cer Highlands to Fiľakov. There are several sacral monuments, castles and important archeological sites in the places through which it leads.

GPS Track