Route: GR70 Chemin de Stevenson (France)

Submitted by Semaille on Mon, 02/07/2022 - 01:31am
276 km
Vertical Gain
7,460 m

Vous trouverez sur ce site les informations pratiques nécessaires à l’organisation de votre randonnée. Un itinéraire phare du Massif Central, 272 km du Puy-en-Velay à Alès… 4 départements traversés : Haute-Loire, Ardèche, Lozère, Gard. Seul, en groupe, avec un âne, à vélo ou à cheval, venez découvrir le chemin emprunté par Robert Louis Stevenson en 1878, devenu le GR®70*



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Pour se FKT il me semble que Sébastien Raichon (détenteur du FKT GR5) et Sandrine Beranger l'on fait en 47h15 environ l'année dernière

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In 2021, some floods have destroyed the river banks of the Gardon River. In 2022, 2 options are possible to arrive at Saint-Jean-du-Gard:…
a) via the correct GR70 down to the Gardon river and follow the national road D907 to the town. (the GPX of the FFR is incorrect as it still shows the GR70 that is currently impossible because of the floods of the Gardon, this is why the GR70 2022 provided on this site is the more accurate, safe and future proof to not change in thenear future,best to do the FKT records.

b) a deviation in the mountains that is apparently well marked. The Stevenson "dot org" association told me this deviation is a 3 year concession (permit) they have so it is probably not permanent.

So did they make this deviation ? Because the few kms of the D907 today is dangerous (cars) compared to the the part that follows the D907 inland, then crosses the river. Unfortunalety this "safer" original GR70 isn't possible anymore. So the most accurate GR70 today following the original GR70 is the one on this site. It is just above 276 km. The 271 km is based on a GPX of the GR70 that is incorrect because it this trace goes South when arriving in the village of Luc, while the correct GR70 is going North East then back South. In short the direct route from Luc to Laveyrune is NOT the GR70, it's a shortcut someone has probably taken, shared his/her GPX and most people are sharing and following the wrong GR70.

Conclusion: Use the GPX I made this july 2022, it has been validated by the association Chemin de Stevenson. It is the most accurate and future proof for FKT records and following the Stevenso GR70 at 99,5% compared to the 100% not possible anymore because the Gardon floods have destroyed the 0.5% of the paths.