Route: Granite Tors Trail (AK)

Submitted by jlewvanak on Mon, 08/08/2022 - 05:53pm
Alaska, US
15 mi
Vertical Gain
2,900 ft

There is a trail race on this route that has typically been held in August and perhaps September. Supported FKT attempts need to better the course record for that race and any CR on the Strava segment for this route. Unsupported attempts should improve on Strava segment times that were not set on race day.

Trail description from Alaska State Parks trail guide:

This guide describes the clockwise loop beginning with the East Trail and ending on the West Trail. This route provides a more gradual ascent than the counterclockwise route. At the first trail junction (at the bulletin board) go left; you will travel along the river on boardwalks through black spruce and bog, eventually crossing Rock Creek. In less than a mile, you’ll encounter a boardwalk heading to your right. This connects with the West Trail, giving the option of a two mile loop hike. As you continue on the East Trail on the 15 mile loop, you will ascend through black spruce forest and drop through 2 saddles before reaching timberline. This forested area burned in 2004.  Follow rock cairns as the trail traverses the face of Munson Ridge; it then emerges in an alpine meadow near the trail shelter. From here, the East Trail ends and a less developed route begins that follows wooden tripods through wet areas to the tors on the ‘Plain of Monuments.’ The route then follows rock cairns through more tors. The West trail begins near mile 9;  it winds through a spruce and alder saddle and emerges on a barren ridge top. It then drops down to the last group of tors. You will then travel through a sparsely wooded saddle and begin a steep descent through black spruce to a boardwalk on the upper part of Rock Creek. The trail  then returns to the junction of the East and West trails. 

Link to trail description:

GPS Track