Route: Kaiserkrone (Austria)

64.4 km

The "Kaiserkrone" is one of the classic Austrian long distance hikes. The trail starts near "Going am Wilden Kaiser" and circumnavigates the impressive mountain range "Wilder Kaiser". With 65km and 5000m ascent/descent it is usually completed in 5 days. There are several huts along the way, where you are able to eat and sleep. 

There is a race called "Kaiserkrone Marathon Trail" (56km, 3800m ascent) which follows parts of the course, however it deviates from the route at several points as it starts in Scheffau not in Going and doesn't pass through Gasteig. 

The route follows the following points: Kapelle Hüttling, Going - Obere Regalm - Gaudeamushütte - Gruttenhütte - Gruttenweg - Wilder Kaiser Steig - Kaiser Hochalm - Steiner Hochalm - Hinterstein - Hintersteiner See - Walleralm - Hochegg - Steinbergalm / Kaindlhütte - Bettlersteig - Anton-Karg-Haus - Hans-Berger-Haus - Stripsenjochhaus - Stripsenkopf - Tristecken - Feldberg - Wasserlahnerkopf - Obere Scheibenbichlalm - Untere Scheibenbichlalm - Griesenau - Grandneralm - Gasteig - Bacheralm - Gscheuerkopf - Kaiser-Niederalm - Graspoint Hochalm - Kapelle Hüttling, Going.

65km; 4,171m vertical gain

- Submitted by Felix Pförtner