49.179548, 20.088064
Milosz Szczesniewski | 2d 13h 36m 44s |
Kacper Mrowiec | 3d 0h 58m 0s | ||||
Michał Stopa | 3d 23h 30m 0s |
Info. There is a FKT of 76 hrs... Link: https://www.magazynbieganie.pl/biegowa-korona-gor-polski-w-76-godzin/. There was also previous FKT of 89hrs (also shorter then 3d23h), link: https://www.runners-world.pl/ludzie/Bieg-po-Korone-Gor-Polski-28-szczytow-jeden-po-drugim,7884,1 (if pacing is a support, then it should be considered as supported).
Admin note: It seems that the first trip mentioned above was supported by others who drove the vehicle, etc. Our understanding from the report of the second trip above is that the runners drove themselves, but they did also have another person along who supported them in other ways. So, it seems like both of these are "supported", the first male, and the second "mixed gender team". Thanks for making us aware of these.
Thath was really good efforts! Diffrence beetween this 2 efforts thath you mentioned and mine are: I drove car by myself beetween mountain ranges and I run also without support.
When choosing the Tatra Mountains, it is worth starting your steps with simple trips