Route: Mt. Starr King (CA)

Submitted by Mike Toffey on Sun, 09/26/2021 - 08:31pm
California, US
16.3 mi
Vertical Gain
6,565 ft

From the bridge at Happy Isles Trailhead, take the JMT up to the Panorama Trail and hang a right. Go up the switchbacks towards glacier point and then make a left on the trail heading to Mono Meadows. At mile 5.5 leave the trail and head up the shoulder of Mt Starr King and Peak 8574 to its North. You will encounter a small amount of hard bushwhacking on this segment. Either climb over or skirt the top of Peak 8574 and cross the saddle to Mt Starr King. From here you can climb the 5.4 Northeast Face from the highest point on the talus up cracks and slab to the summit. I brought one 60m rope and was able to descend with 2 rappels and some downclimbing. Once back down to the saddle retrace your steps back to the trail and run back to down to the bridge at the Happy Isles trailhead.
