Route: Phetchabun - Phu Thap Buek Mt. (Thailand)

Submitted by aokitt on Sat, 05/29/2021 - 12:01pm
Phetchabun, TH
17 km
Vertical Gain
1,641 m

Phu Thap Buek is the highest peak in Phetchabun Province. It is a famous tourist destination to see the sea of ​​mist in the morning. Running up to the peak, along the way will have the opportunity to experience the sea of ​​mist.

Start from starting point past Thap Boek intersection Around Tantawan Resort to the end of the entrance of Phu Hin Rong Kla National Park, Distance 17 Km. 111 Curves.

Strava segment for the ascent:
