Route: Selvaggio Blu (Sardinia, Italy)

42.7 km

The Selvaggio Blu is a multi-day backpacking expedition along a remote limestone coast overlooking the sea with difficult route finding, abseiling and some climbing. 
The main challenges are the route finding, although use of GPS makes this easier but certainly not foolproof, and the lack of water on the limestone terrain. This is a route for mountaineers and people with alpine mountaineering experience. 
The route starts from Santa Maria Navarrese or Pedra Longa just to the north and proceeds for 40km north along the top of the cliffs overlooking the sea to Cala Gonone. Along this section of coast there are no roads down to the sea, no villages, no mountain huts, no campsites...only cliffs, deep gorges, a tangled network of shepherds' and charcoal burners' paths that all look much the same and vegetation so dense you can't penetrate it if you lose the route. 
The first part to Cala Goloritzè don't require roped climbing as such: there is an exposed section of scrambling with a fixed cable, although taking a half-rope could be a good idea if one of you doesn't have a good head for heights. However the route finding on the second day is as difficult as that anywhere on the route, across limestone pavements with only the odd blue paint dot to mark the way, and steeper sections are often overcome using shepherds' "scalas 'e fustes", juniper trunks wedged into the rock face. After Cala Goloritzè the route proceeds with the first sections of easy climbing and abseiling and the only reliable source of water on the whole route, in a cave. But at least the abseiling actually feels easier, since you are unmistakably on the right route.

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I can't fathom how one could do this Trek in a day - behold: even in close to 8h! Much respect to Nicola Bassi for this incredible achievement.