650 km
GPS Track
Mixed-gender team
Mathieu Blanchard | 7d 12h 4m 0s |
Rémi Poitras | 9d 13h 24m 52s | ||||
Maxime Boisvenu-Fortin | 12d 7h 33m 0s | ||||
Jean-Christophe René, Pierre-Nicolas Stock | 16d 21h 59m 0s |
Anne Bouchard | 11d 8h 21m 41s |
Brenda Branch, Martin Coulombe, Mathieu Bastien | 19d 5h 34m 0s |
EN Starting on june 18th 2021 at Matapedia, finishing on July 2nd in Forillon, I'll attempt to beat the self-supported time of 16d21h by achieving the Quebec's portion of the International Appalachian trail (Gr A1/unceded Mi'kmaw territory) in 15 days of trail running. ?It seems that it'll also be the first self-supported female FKT attempt on this route, so let's open the path to all the next powerful women who will beat this record ?
FR Début à Matapédia 18 Juin 2021, avec pour objectif de finir à Forillon le 2 Juillet pour un total de 15 jours de course en sentier "self supported" sur la portion québécoise du SIA (territoire Mi'kmaw non cédé).
FR: Départ de Matapédia le 25 juin 2021, arrivée prévue le 8 juillet à Forillon en 14 jours de randonnée solo auto-supportée, catégorie "hommes". Je souhaite la meilleure des chances à Charlotte Levpaq qui me devancera d'une semaine dans sa propre tentative de FKT!
En: Will be leaving Matapédia on June 25th 2021 and planning on finishing in Forillon on July 8th, for 14 days of solo self-supported backpacking for the male category. Best of luck to Charlotte Levpaq who will be starting on her own FKT attempt one week prior to mine!
? Bonne rando! :-)