Route: Staten Island Perimeter (NY)

Submitted by user2871368 on Tue, 06/25/2024 - 06:13am
New York, US
52 mi
Vertical Gain
1,400 ft

This Staten Island Perimeter route was planned in 2024. This run is part of a goal to run all of the NYC Borough perimeters.  Most of the route is accessible by bike, but there are few trail sections that can only be run. Some routes may have to be adjusted slightly based on road closures, private neighborhood gates, flooding, etc.

This route begins and ends at the Staten Island Ferry. Parts of this route are beautiful, and it is a great way to see many parts of Staten Island that one would otherwise miss. Run counter-clockwise, you'll get a second wind when running along the boardwalk all the way up to Fort Wadsworth.

Remember to stay on the left side on roads and use shoulders when possible for safety.  

GPS Track