Route: Surrey Circumnavigation (United Kingdom)

Submitted by richardmcchesney on Tue, 08/11/2020 - 11:16am
United Kingdom
337 km
Vertical Gain
3,100 m

The Surrey Circumnavigation is an approximately 337km/209 mile route around the UK country of Surrey.  The route can start anywhere and must follow as closely to the Surrey county border as possible without crossing over the border.
The only exceptions being: 1) when crossing the A3 near Grayshott where the only safe passage across the motorway is via an underpass that enters Surrey for about 150 meters, 2) On Felbridge Road/Crawley Down Road there is a 50 meter stretch which crosses the corner of Surrey, and 3) Near Wraysbury when crossing the M25 motorway there is a 50 meter stretch that enters Surrey.
The route can follow any public road or public trails and walkways.

GPS Track