Route: Tour de Vaud (Switzerland)

280.8 km

Loïc Gerber proposed this 280km scenic tour of the Swiss Canton de Vaud:

The traversee (crossing) of an entire area in Switzerland which is called « Canton de Vaud Â». The Route begins to the east and finishes to the west and goes by the north (the route make a triangle form). The Route is divided in 4 different parts : 1. High Mountains, Flat, Medium Mountains, Lake (Préalpds Vaudoises, Plateau, Jura Vaudois, Lac Léman).

The route traverses the 2 main mountainous areas of Vaud, Les Préalpes Vaudoises, and Le Jura Vaudois, which are separated by one big area which is absolutely flat, Le Gros de Vaud, and touches every main area of the Canton (Chablais, Préalpes, Riviera, Lavaux, Gros-de-Vaud, Jura Vaudois, La Côte).

GPS Track