Route: VĂ©loroute des Bleuets

Submitted by zaerdy on Tue, 10/10/2023 - 10:33pm
Quebec, CA
257 km
Vertical Gain
1,167 m

The VĂ©loroute des Bleuets is a cycling path that loops around the Lac St-Jean, passing through 16 villages and small cities. The path is mostly asphalt, sometimes on the shoulder of the road, sometimes going through the woods, sometimes alongside the road with a median strip. There's a 20km going through the provincial park SEPAQ Pointe-Taillon, a flat non-technical dirt road. This is the only section non-accessible by vehicule, if you're going supported. On the VĂ©loroute des Bleuets website, there's options for ferries that make the route shorter. This route does not goes through the ferry, since they're not operating 24/7 all year long. 

The route is breathtaking and peacefull at the same time, taking you through the beautifull countryside. People from Lac St-Jean are the kindest you'll ever encounter. They're fondly called "Bleuet", meaning blueberry, because of the big wildfire of 1870, burning 3 800km², that let place for the growth of wild blueberry all over the region. Many people ride the VĂ©loroute des Bleuets each year. Very few run it. 

Official website:
