Route: The Way of Light

Submitted by Michael Sturla on Wed, 05/29/2024 - 03:24am
United Kingdom
72 km
Vertical Gain
1,400 m

Starting at Durham Cathedral you head up the valley, passing places such as Ushaw college before climbing up to Castleside. Dropping down from the viaduct you head through the woods to Muggleswick and then start the start onto the moors above Edmundbuyers. Turing north, there is another climb up to Slayey Forest and then dropping down to follow the river towards Newbiggin. Another climb up to the the ridge south of Hexham which has beautiful views of the Abbey and you think you can glimpse the finish. The final climb from Hexham to Heavenfield and the church of St.Oswald goes on longer than you think possible, but you are rewarded with stunning views from the church to the north.

A beautiful route, with a huge variety of landscapes.