Route: The Way of Love

Submitted by Jon Rose on Tue, 03/15/2022 - 03:40am
United Kingdom
47.13 km
Vertical Gain
627 m

This route is one of the Northern Saints trails / pilgrimages in the North East info and route descriptions on the website.

One of the reasons that this route is called The Way of Love is that pilgrimage, particularly in the Middle Ages, was viewed as an act of devotion. One of the most famous pilgrimages to Durham was that of King Canute about a thousand years ago. He is recorded as walking barefoot along the latter part of this route. The church in Kelloe is dedicated to St Helen who was one of the initiators of pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Two other churches at Hart and Trimdon are dedicated to St Mary Magdalene who was known for her great devotion to Christ. St Hilda of Hartlepool was also known for her great devotion to God. Adding the fact that the cathedral is dedicated not just to St Cuthbert, but also to the Blessed Virgin Mary, we can say that this route has a distinctly feminine flavour.

This route leads from the Coast in Hartlepool to Durham City ending at the Cathedral.


A few of us planning a joint Unsupported attempt tomorrow from 8am