Route: Crest Trail #130 (Sandia Mtns, NM)

New Mexico, US
26 mi
Vertical Gain
5,626 ft

Travis McWhorter posted the route:  [Note that this is different from the Crest Trail #25]

The Sandia Mountains surround Albuquerque and the Crest Trail 130 runs from north to south or vice-versa.

Description of a single crossing: 

"The Sandia Crossing is a 26.3 mile Wilderness run which begins at the south side of the

Sandia Mountains and crosses the entire Sandia Mountain Range on the Crest Trail

#130. The course will begin at the Canyon Estates trailhead and finish at the north end

of the trail at the Tunnel Springs trailhead near Placitas. The course is approximately 29

miles long and includes many steep climbs on both a rocky and challenging trail.

A brief description of the course is an initial 3000 foot climb from the start at 6550'

up to just below the South Peak at 9550ft in approximately 7.5 miles. Then the trail

winds through Aspen forests dropping down slightly to the Canyoncito trail intersection

at 9250ft and about 10&3/4 miles. Next is a short climb up and over another nearly

9500ft high point then down to the Cienega/ Pino trail intersections at 9250ft. Then on

for another 2 miles to the Tree Spring trail intersection. This point is about 14&1/4 miles

and 9450 ft. The course then goes uphill for a brutal mile at 10,050 feet before

flattening somewhat to right below the Aerial Tramway at 16 miles and 10,340ft. Then

on to the Crest at about 17.6. This high point of 10,650 ft marks the end of the major

climbing and now the course descends for some 11.4 miles to the finish. There is one

tough 200' 1/2 mile climb starting one mile from the finish, but then the final 1/2 mile is a

gentle downhill. It is an awesome run but very challenging."


McWhorter completed a double crossing (52 miles):

52 miles - 12:46 

I started from the south at 6:04 AM on December 6th, 2014 and finished at 6:50 PM. 52 miles with 11,000' of gain. Max elevation: 10,600', min: 6,600'. I carried all of my food/supplies but was given fluids a few times. I set an FKT on this route. Marco Zuniga had previously done it in 13 hrs, otherwise there is no record of it being done. Unfortunately, my GPS died at mile 46 which was highly surprising considering it's a Suunto Ambit 2 and should've lasted 24 hrs. I attribute it failing due to inclement, cold-weather.

-Travis McWhorter

GPS Track


Looking to set a new FKT on the Sandia Crest trail (one way).


At the moment I am still deciding if I will be running N --> S or S --> N and when to do it. I am thinking of doing the attempt between 4/17/2020 - 4/26/2020.


If any one has information regarding times from previous attempts (one-way only) it would be greatly appreciated.


I will be following up on my route direction and date later.

I have no idea about times but was considering attempting this route too. I am planning an attempt heading southbound from the tunnel springs trailhead. 
I know the second half very well and thought I’d rather not have to think when I’m tired. 

I was thinking of possibly attempting it on 4/19/20 but we just had some snow. 

I will post my plan when I know them. 

let’s establish a time for the single crossing. 

I'm obviously late to this discussion, but since you posted this question, Michelle Hummel has set the overall record at 4:17:13.  She ran N --> S in an unsupported fashion, carrying all her water and food from the start, as documented on this site.  The fastest attempt I know of by a male is J Collier Kempton's run back in 2016.  Not sure of his style (supported, etc.), but he also ran N --> S in 5:06:55 (, including a side trip up to South Sandia Peak, which is not a required part of the FKT.

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Has anyone done a double header out-and-back? The 100 miler? 

Planning to set an FKT with Dustin Sandquist (if no record exists yet) 5/8/20-5/9/20. 

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Hi all,

I am attempting the route on Thursday may 28th. Someone’s got to get it started. I will be traveling southbound starting at tunnel springs. 

Looking to start around 7am  

I will be self supported. Dropped off at the beginning and picked up in the other end. 

I can be found on Strava at Christopher Bratton. 

I’ve got the wife’s buy in so I’ll see ya out there,


I’m changing directions and heading south to north but all is set for attempt tomorrow. 


I bailed at the parking lot at the top. There is a bunch of construction at the tram house. I missed the trail connection and wound up heading down and ran into the road. I think I’ll do a practice run up at the top and work out my mistake and then try again. 


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I will be attempting an unsupported double crossing of the Sandias tomorrow morning starting at 6am. I will start from the canyon estates trailhead and will be carrying everything I need with me and not accepting any aid. Shout out to the homies that came before me.

<3 Yard $ale

I can be followed via inReach 

Password: Sandia

I will be attempting an unsupported double crossing of the Sandias tomorrow morning starting around 4am. I'll be starting from the southern end of the Crest Trail and traveling north to Tunnel Springs, then running south back to the beginning. I'll be carrying all my food and gear and not accepting any aid. I don't have the tech for real-time tracking but will upload links to gpx tracks later if successful.