Route: Wabash Cannonball Trail (OH)

Ohio, US
46.8 mi

The WABASH CANNONBALL TRAIL is a 63 mile multi-use recreational trail in Northwest Ohio. It provides non-motorized access to hikers, bikers, equestrians, and cross-country skiers. The 12 foot wide trail surface varies within the different jurisdictions, from asphalt to hard packed cinder ballast. The Trail is actually comprised of two rail lines that converge in Maumee at Jerome Road. The "North Fork" of the Trail runs in an east-west direction, 46 miles from Maumee to within 15 miles of the Indiana state line near Montpelier, Ohio. The "South Fork" takes a southwesterly route from Maumee to the edge of Liberty Center, Ohio for a length of 17 miles.

If and when the trail becomes open and legally passable east of Wauseon, the route will follow the rail right-of-way, rather than detouring onto County Road F, as shown on the map.


In Whitehouse with friends for Independence Day and I want to attempt the unsupported FKT on the South Fork this morning.

Unsuccessful attempt. 2:44:14 for 18.9 miles per my Garmin watch. I backed off my attempt once I hit Andrew’s time. Started at Jerome Road and headed southwest.Trail was officially closed at Finzel Road and my reroute added a half mile. I also messed up at the 5B intersection near Liberty Center and headed south rather than continuing on the trail. That probably cost me a quarter mile with my backtrack to the trail. Even accounting for those two hiccups, the trail was probably closer to eighteen miles than the seventeen that you typically see listed.  Temperature was 70 when I started and 83 when I ended.  I think I will attempt this again sometime in the late fall or early spring.

Tip of the hat to Andrew! Nice FKT!

Heading out on the North Fork tomorrow morning to celebrate my birthday and "run my age" (40) with a bonus 10k on the end. Not necessarily targeting the FKT, but if the stars align...!

Ran the north fork unsupported today.  Started at 6:22 at the Montpelier trail head and finished at 2:00pm at Jerome.  7hrs 38min.

Stopped 3x at public parks for water.  Reinhard in Wauseon, Springbrook at Oak Openings, and Keener in Monclova.  It was sunny and 83F at the finish so tough run! I’ll submit for verification soon. Â