Route: Bobcat Ridge

Submitted by Matthew Daugherty on Mon, 06/27/2022 - 09:14pm
Colorado, US
11.42 mi
Vertical Gain
1,686 ft

This route starts in the Bobcat ridge parking lot and does a loop combining Ginny Trail, DR and the Valley loop trail back to the parking lot. Great climb, beautiful views and some fast sections.

GPS Track


This looks like a fun route! I'll give it a go tomorrow and report back. 

I did run this route yesterday. Fun track in the foothills west of Loveland and Ft. Collins. Lots of small "baby head" rocks required careful foot placement in some places and so it ended up being a little slower than I expected. Very peaceful out there. I crossed two cyclists and a few hikers but otherwise had the place to myself. Even though it's in the Roosevelt National Forest there are very few trees. Obviously it was a former forest fire site so there were lots of downed dead trees. Nonetheless it was a pretty route with good mountain views once you crest the top of the climb. Encountered a medium sized snake in the trail that quickly scampered out of the way.

Also, it wasn't in the FKT description, but I ran the loop clockwise. This is the direction of the submitter's GPX track.