FKT: Laura Hansen - Bolinas Ridge to Bridge (CA) - 2024-04-07

Route variation
Standard point-to-point
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 29m 45s

Had an absolute blast out there today. Many thanks to my friend, Carling Ursem, for inspiring me to check this route out. I moved to Mill Valley 2.5 years ago and it’s been incredible to still be discovering so many new trails and so many ways to link them up. I’ve been running a lot lately with friends which has been such a party, but wanted to go out on a long solo run today in prep for some summer trail races and remind myself how to do my own problem-solving, keep myself moving, etc. - this was a great route for that. 

Like many others who’ve done the route, I carried 1.5 liters and refilled at Cardiac - this ended up being plenty of water. I started at GGB because it was easier to get to logistically from my house and got the big climbs over with first, then I hitchhiked back from the Bolinas Ridge trailhead (a super easy hitch with some friendly trail runners driving back from Pt Reyes). 

Would recommend this route for locals or folks visiting the bay - highlights some of the area’s best trails!