FKT: Wim Steenkamp, Laurie Van Zyl, Jaco Van den Berg, PC Visser - Khomas Hochland Hiking Trail (Namibia) - 2020-10-02

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
15h 56m 47s
GPS track(s)

We set off at just past 4 AM on 2 October. chilly start at about 4 degree Celsius. It wasn't long before the sun came up and quickly went up to 30 degree. By then we have just reached the first water point(Ojtisewa). bladders and soft flasks were all filled with natural clean borehole water from a windmill. We were still on time and headed towards the next camp which was Onduno. after another refill we went towards camp 3. here we had the longest stretch without being able to refill water(21 kilometer) At Godeis camp we stopped for a break and had a quick bite to eat. at this point PC's knee started acting up but had to continue as there was no quitting. A pair of collapsible stick would do the trick and doing some 4x4 run/hiking. Laurie, Wim, Jaco were still as strong as when they started. After about 20 minutes we went back to Onduno. with temperature reaching 36 degrees by now our water started to run low and had to work sparingly. luckily it wasn't long before we reached Onduno again and could refill. After the refill and some extra cooling off, the morale soon went up and we headed towards camp 5, Monte Christo(the Tree House) some climbing down ladders at dry water falls long descents waited for us on this section. Monte Christo was our last stop and we knew we had 13 kilometers to get home. The sun was starting to set and headlamps had to be taken out again. Entering the gate at Dusternbruk we could smell the victory and the last bit of river shuffle to the end. We Finished the route with a final sprint up 'n little driveway.