Route: Brenda Parker Way (United Kingdom)

Submitted by oliverdelve on Tue, 07/07/2020 - 06:12am
United Kingdom
127.9 km
Vertical Gain
625 m

The Brenda Parker Way (BPW) is a long distance path which crosses the North Hampshire Countryside. Starting and ending in the Hampshire towns of Aldershot and Andover, the BPW can be traversed in either an Easterly or Westerly direction. Whilst the route has a fairly low elevation profile it crosses around 127.9km of gorgeous English countryside, including meadows, fields, forests. Key highlights include running on the outer walls of the ancient Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum and passing through the Highclere Park, home to the famous Downton Abbey. 

For more details, including full route description details see the following link:

GPS Track