Route: GBV Half

Submitted by Abran Moore on Sat, 05/25/2024 - 08:36pm
Oregon, US
13.2 mi
Vertical Gain
3,600 ft

Gorge Bridal Veil (GBV) 13:

Quick Gorge loop with a good amount of trail and crowd variety. Ample water sources if needed.

Typically starting at the far/overflow parking lot trail head at Bridal Veil

Short and sweet version:

Bridal veil (415)>Angels Rest>Fox Glove way >Red Shorts Cut>She Devil>Devils Rest>420c to sharp right to Multnomah Basin Rd

Multnomah Basin Rd (NF 129)>Larch Mtn 441 >Trail 420>Trail 415 to Angels and to the car!


Long version(mileage is cumulative):

Bridal Veil via 415 to Angels Rest ~2.10

Continue on 415 

Right at the fork to Devils Rest via Fox Glove Way~2.4

(From fork follow signs to Devils Rest)

Right Turn to Red Shorts Cut on to She Devil~3.2

She Devil stay RIGHT at intersection of Devils Fork~3.70

Continue to Devils Rest 

After Devils continue on Trail 420c ~4.0

Right turn at spur trail to Multnomah Basin Rd~4.75 

Left on Multnomah Basin Rd (NF 129)~4.80

Multnomah Basin Rd (NF 129) to Larch Mtn Trail 441

Left onto Larch Mtn Trail 441 ~6.25

After bridge, take left at the fork to trail 420~7.2

Stay on 420 until turns  to Trail 415 (do not go down to Wahkeena or Fairy falls)~ 8.3

Stay on  415 to Angels Rest intersection and stay Right~10.8 

Angels Rest/415 back to the trail head~ 13.2


GPS Track