Route: Guadalupe Peak (TX)

Texas, US
8.3 mi

Guadalupe Peak (8751') is the highpoint of Texas.  It is located in Guadalupe Mountains National Park.  The route starts near the Pine Springs Campground and ascends a maintained trail for about 4 miles and 3000 vertical feet.

Guadalupe Peak has a Strava segment.  Note that Strava times can be off by quite a bit, so it's best to post your actual time (and name!) here.


So is this just the fastest time up the mountain and not back down?

Either! Both!

fasted time bottom to top 52:50 mins for the ladies 

and out and back for the ladies 


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4 laps in less than 12hrs. This FKT is for Carlsbad - great place to live for awesome trail training grounds like Guad Peak!