Route: Mount Julius Caesar

Submitted by ford on Mon, 07/22/2024 - 04:01pm
California, US
19.87 mi
Vertical Gain
6,545 ft

Perched above the spectacular Granite Park, Mount Julius Caesar is a popular run, hike, and scramble objective in the Bishop area. Standing at 13,213 ft (4,027 m) it ranks as the 106th tallest peak in California. From the top, it provides amazing views of the surrounding area, but the journey to get there is arguably even more memorable.

Mount Julius Caesar is typically approached from Pine Creek Pass trailhead making for a ~20-mile out-and-back adventure with an elevation gain of 6,545 ft. The route features an engaging combination of technical singletrack, granite slabs marked by cairns, and class 2 talus scrambling. Along the way, the trail takes you past a series of beautiful lakes and follows the creek system up into picturesque Granite Park basin, before finally arriving at Italy Pass and climbing the ridge up to the summit.