Route: Queens Perimeter (NY)

Submitted by user2871368 on Thu, 07/25/2024 - 06:42am
New York, US
78.6 mi
Vertical Gain
1,476 ft

The Queens Perimeter is a roughly 78.6 mile route (3x marathons) that includes the Rockaways.

The border does not align perfectly with runable roads so there is definitely room for creative interpretation when running this borough's perimeter. This version of the perimeter avoids trails and beaches, and it follows the border as closely as possible while staying within Queens. This is a great way to see many beautiful Queens neighborhoods where the subway doesn't go.

The Rockaways add a significant amount of mileage, so a more fun interpretation may be to do the route without the nearly 30 additional miles to go out and around Rockaway.

As always, many roads are constantly under repairs/renovations in NYC, so runners may have to adjust with the conditions.

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